Sunday, October 25, 2015

First Exhibition - "Mini-Outreach" - Lecture

So a lot has happend since my last post. I very sorry that I haven't posted anything in such a long time. I just didn't have a lot of time, a lot was happening and somedays I simply was to tierd to go out and post something.

So a little recap of October:
 - we got to know which outreach locations were possible
 - I had one prayer night
 - fasted for a week, to show God that I wanted Him to do something and speak to me
 - it was announced where we would go for outreach
 - participated in a "Nuremberg-outreach" with an organization which started at the sametime as the plans for the event "Awakening Europe" (July2015)
 - I took a group from YWAM to my home town to do a "mini-outreach" type of thing
 - had a lot of lecture and learned a lot about really awesome topics (for example How to be an artist as an missionary; Idedntity; Forgiveness and lastly the God Story)
 - we had our first exhibition
 - my sister came for a weekend and a friend came for a visit

SO I think you would probably would like some more detailed information.

I'm going to go to Kenya for an outreach - I'm really excited! It was my dream to go there and my wish, and I'm so glad I'm actually able to go there! I think I've also got everything for it. I bought a travel backpack (on sale) the rest of the clothes I needed (long skirt/dresses/T-shirts) I only need to get some more vacinations and Mallaria pills. And I know God wants to have me here, and really teach me how to love people the way he loves them and see them how he sees them - please don't get me wrong, but I know it could get really challenging but also really awesome!

Then last weekend I took 18 YWAMers and me to my home town to show them Salzburg but also serve my town/church. We organized and prepared a whole youthservice with the help of my dad. After a five hour train ride we finally arrived in Bad Reichenhall and were welcomed by my family and a couple of friends from church and a warm meal was waiting for us :). Every single day we had a delicious meal and we had different types of meat :D I was really happy that I could see my sister again after almost 4 months, and happy to see my parants again and of course meet friends (from church and other churches). I and the whole team are very thankfull for everything! We were very blessed by the churches hospitality and all the food! Andwe hope that we could be a blessing to the church and to the youth! It was an amazing experience for us - and for me to r able to bring some of my new friends to my home town.

So after this intense weekend we had a very intense lecture week, which was really good and interactive. Our speaker Mike Brown was speaking about the God Story and he gave us movements after each topic: "CREATION - THE FALL - THE PROMISE OF REDEMPTION - ABRAHAM - THE LAW - ETERNAL KINGDOM - JESUS - HOLY SPIRIT - JESUS RETURNS". It was good to see how simple you can make the Gospel but still say what is most important - and it was awesome to realize how the whole bible is actually foousing on Jesus the Messiah and how God promised that he would "fix it". That would give a sollution to how we can come back into his presence and the solution is Jesus Christ and He alone - nothing else. Actually today in church the pastor was talking about a very similar topic, and it just confirmed what we were learning. He basicly preached about "How can we know that the bible is true?" and he kind of just said, the bible is the only book that was written by 40 different people over 1500 years but still is talking about the same thing eventhough most of the authors didn't know eachother and sometimes they even were in completly different places. 

And this weekend we had our first exhibition in which we presented our different artworks. The fineartist showed their paintings, drawings etc. and the handmade theirs and the musicians theirs and everyone else theirs. We as the dancetrack danced our dance about the Gospel of Jesus. And mysister visited me for the weekend and we had a great time! I was so happy that I could spend time with her again, and just hang out! - You are just so important to me! and I am verythankfull that I can be your older sister and that we can become closer friends more and more! You are awesome! - Also a nother friend of mine came to visit and we hung out for the day and just chilled and it was great to have both of them over!

Back to this whole lecture week - I have to admit that this week something clicked and my head knowledge is slowly coming into my heart and I'm slowly understanding more and more something that had already started the week before in which I started to get ideas again for what to dance and so on.
But I have to say it's not always just fun and really awesome - eventhough most of the time I am having a great time here! Ihad almosttwo weeks in which I didn't really know what to feel or what to think, I didn't know what to pray, I started to miss my parents and especially their wisdom and knowledge And my grandma had to go to the hospital and eventually was laying in a koma for a couple of days. Let's just say it wasn't easy. But thankfully I have a great God who is always by my side, awesome friend here in YWAM and in many different places that encourage me and also pray for me and my family and also a great exchange student/sister who encourages me big time and of course my family!

Thank you for all your prayers! i really appreciate it and I am so thankfull that I am able to be here and learn a lot of new things about God.
It would be great if you could pray for good outreach preperation and also safe travels and that we will have an awesome rest of the time here!

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