Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Settling In

As I mentioned in my last post I am starting to study in Erlangen to become a teacher for mathematics and english for "Gymnasium" (grades 5-12 & highest level of education before uni in Germany). Today I had the chance to go to my first SMD (a community/oraganisation for christian studens) fellowship. It was great to be surrounded by other young Christian and have a time of worship together. And I am so happy that Erlangen has such a big community of christian students.

After the time of fellowship it hit me - I am in the right place.

And I'm happy that I moved to Erlangen (in a great room with great flat mates) and finally fully at peace with my decision eventhough saying bye to my family was hard.

But we all have to learn to let go and to be able to start new things.

I've started with my maths introduction course at university and even had the chance to meet an old friend from my "home" town.

As some of you know, starting university is a fairly huge change to being a student in highschool or in a school where "your daily life is sorted out for you".  At least it is for me.

I have to learn how to:
  • create an schedule in which none of the courses overlap
  • budget my entire income and outcome
  • plan my meals
  • write in an academicly correct german or english
  • schedule my day in an effictive way
  • create time for the "important" things
  • use the different university websites
  • communicate with professor, tutors, mentors etc.
  • live in a shared flat
  • etc. 
And there is so much more I still have to learn to "survive" uni so I can actually be able to thrive though going to university. I want to do my very best so I can make a change now and in the future. I want to use my time wisely to not have to negelect any (important) area of my life.

You can pray for my start here in Erlangen (university + job). That God will show me how to get an organized structure into my daily life and also that I will be able to find a church here in Erlangen where I feel at home.

P.s.: If you have any further questions feel free to contact me

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The start fo a new beginning

SO I found a full time job plus a so called mini-job.

And that is also the reason why I didn't have the time or energy to write a new post.

This job has been and exhausting and I was counting the days until I finally was done working there. But God was faithful and gave me the job and much more in the past months.

I'm preparing for university slowly moving out of my home and starting to build up a new home.

In the last 3 months I worked 3.5 jobs. STarting with a 2 week long job at a company as a secretary, followed by a 3 month long contract at a drugstore and a 2.5 month long contract at a fast-food-fish restaurant. Somewhere in between I started tutoring via skype.

I went through tones of ups and downs, wanting to quit but still enduring hours of seemingly worthless dehumanizing work. Isometimes thought, do they people even see that I'm a human just like them. It's really eye opening to work in jobs like that, because you learn to see people behind the counter and learn to view them as people of equal worth, you start seeing the things that happen in the backround so you can actually get what you need let it be the grocery store next door or the fast food restaurant down the street. The people working there are people like you and I and are doing their job the best they could possibly do and some of them actually love what they are doing, it's their passion (I know it definitly isn't mine). But now I can somehow sympathize with people working in those jobs. I hope I won't forget the experiences I had and the hardships I went through. Oh it definitly wasn't pleasent and I still am in a place of searching fro various things and learing to trust the Lord and learing to fall into his arms.

Although I have my flaws I know that He is working through and in me and I hope He'll use my trip to KIEL (north of Germany) to bring me closer to Him and that I will actually get to know more of is character and who He really is.

So I'm travelling it's a good feeling being up in the air again, flying to a new place and having the chance to get to know something new.

What will I be doing after that?

I will be moving to Erlangen to study. God put everything in place! SInce the end of July I have a room, passed the important english test for university and additionally got a job in university as well...the only thing missing is the right church, but I'm pretty much surroundedby other Christians, which is nice to have after being surrounded by non-christians for the past 13 years.

All in all I'm excited for the next chapter in my life.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


It's been far too long since I wrote my last post.

I've been back from Warsaw now for a little over a month, have been to Italy with my family and had time to chill, relax and enjoy the time with my family.

But as always or very often I start to think, over think and worry.
Think about the future, near future and the up coming steps.
Over Think what is coming next and what I have decided I wanted to do.
Worry about what I would want to do and when I will finally find and get a job for the summer to earn some money before I go off to university.


Having to wait can be so uncomfortable and challenging - at least it often is for me.
But it can be a really great lesson for you as well and you can learn a lot about yourself and what is happening around you. BUT you have to be careful in which directions you let your thoughts go. A verse that comes to my mind when I start down spiraling is 2. Corinthians 10, 5-6 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete." Because if you let yourself fall into negative thinking it can easily happen that you start to get into a down spiral of self condemnation and a ton of doubting which could even end up in something similar to depression. To fall in something like this is easier then you may think and definitely not good for you or the people around you.

So this is my story of waiting in the past few weeks and what I experienced.

As I wrote before I knew that I was going to have to find a job in the summer - so I wouldn't get bored, could earn some money to do things I wanted to do and to be able to travel - as soon as I got back home to my family. I hoped that a certain job would work out, but it didn't, as you might have figured by now. So I had to send applications to various companies and stores to get a job. After around two weeks of sending out papers I had a trial day of work, no replies and negative replies. And at this point I pretty much had a complete break down. I was tired, mad and frustrated. Nothing was working out. I was focusing on what was not working out, not on the things I could do with my time or how I could use my time to do something of worth i.e. building relationships or being creative. Additionally (please don't get me wrong) my parents were starting to push me to send out more applications (because they could see in which direction I was going - having to much time to think can backfire!).
So that day ended up in an evening where (from my perspective) I was the most uncomfortable person to be around. I was very edgy and peevish. Definitley not in a good position to talk to -not even about he weather or something harmless. Thank God it was only one evening and not longer! When I finally was in bed and thought a little I thought-said to myself "Why do I worry and why do I think that I have to do everything by myself? Why do I so often think last that there is someone who is always ready to help and guide me...Why do I so often go to God last...WHY?" I then prayed and eventually fell asleep. The next day my mom and I went to the local job center (perfect timing) to get some advice and tell them I was looking for a job etc. It turned out it was just perfect timing, because when I went out of the first meeting the waiting room was completely filled (it was close to empty when I went in) and I got the last appointment for that day and month. I think it's fair enough to say that God had prepared this. He let me hit the bottom the day before so He could show me that He still knows what He is doing, even if it doesn't look like He knows.

Just to clarify, I don't think that I actually was depressive but definitely had to deal with selfcondemnation and doubts because I let my self worry - worry about finding a job, university and having a place to stay where I will be studying. And I really don'T want to know where I would be know if it wasn't for what came next.


I went out of the job center with a very vague answer "We will call or write you as soon as we have something to offer", I thought "Wow. Great, why exactly did I go there?" but then though "At least they have my information now, and if they actually have something they will let me know. The only thing I have to do is to TRUST God and do everything I can do until I get a job, send further applications and spend time with family and friends."

That day I got a phone call from one company which I applied for (thanks to a good friend) that I should come for an interview the next day. I went, had the interview and signed the contract that very next day. Not even one week later I got a phone call from the job center that they had a short trem job for me. I sent a mail that evening, called them and two days later I had the job for the following two weeks.


And this is where I am now. Working, again looking for the next short term fulltime job additionally to the other job and looking for a room/ a place to stay for university. But I am so much more relaxed and chilled now, not too worried about the next steps and still learing to TRUST God with everything in my life no matter what.

I am not claiming that I have fully learnt my lesson but I've definitley learned something. Once more trust God and wait.

...wait... patient...

...and trust...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My time in Warsaw has come to an end

last days in Warsaw - Poland

My time here has been really good! I've gotten to know so many awesome poeple here and just experienced hospitality and being welcomed on a whole nother level.

At Wilanów caste with Rachel

Being here has been a healing process and not necesserily an easy one. But I have to let new things happen, especially as I am in a season of change - my suroundings, myself and my outer being seem to be all changing at the same time. It's definitly dificult to see everything changing but it is good to know that God is in it eventhough I sometimes wonder where He is and where all of this is going to lead me.

Yesterday we were having a little BBQ with a couple of people from the YAM group I am attending and church. And one lady was then talking about how when we movve from one place to another there is always something that we will leave behind, something is sort of ripped out of our heart and is replaced with a part of the place and we have to let it happen and go through the grieving process of loss to let God make something even more beautiful and that our heart can grow bigger. While she was saying that I had a picture in my head that looked something like this:

(Let the hole be replaced by something new,
something even more beautiful eventhough it hurts)
Other from that this week is still going to be full of last visits and last days in school, including sleeping in school with grade 7 and just helping out whereveer I can. And by the end of this week I'l be back "home" (I'm not exactly sure what to call "home" anymore, it seems like I have so many homes by now) to be reunited with my family again - finally I have time again to talk to them face to face and catch up with my sister and spend time with her and my parents.

A lot has happened since I've started this blog, so much that it is almost mind blowing looking back where I was when I first started this and where I am now. My life has definitly changed for ever - dramaticly. I don't know where...but God knows. The only thing I really have to do is to trust Him and let go.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


"having a bed to sleep in...
...having to  sleep on the floor
having to worry if you have enough food...
...being able to buy foor from the supermarket next door, whenever you want
having a big enough house to host 20+ people...
...looking for space to fit 5 people in a 3m^2 room/hut
having to wear the same set of clothes each day...
...not knowing what to choose from your closet
having two cars ready to get going...
...trying to find the shortes path to walk
having a thankful heart for every penny you find...
...freaking out where the 10 extra dollars went
having a warm or cool house depending on how you like it...
...coping with the freezing cold or dying heat
having to care for the people surrounding you...
...caring as little as you can about your neighbor
having to go to another family meeting...
...being able to meet the remaining family
having to try to get all children to school...
...irresoluteness of choosing the perfect school
having to remind yourself to be thankful for every little and big thing you've got...
...appreciating the little you've got."

I think often it's just a question of perspective, but I don't really know which life circumstances are easier to live in. It is shocking for me to catch myself thinking "I deserve this or that, I deserve living the life I am living" - eventhough I know better deep down in my heart. I know that this isn't the attitude I want to live life. Especially after being in Kenia for 3 months and experiencing to have little, sleeping uncomfortable but also seeing people having a lot less then me. Now being back in Europe it is hard to comprehend my experiences and how to deal with it wisely, to move forward.
I want to live a life being thankful for what I have, not wanting to have the attitude of needing more but praying "Lord, use my life to be a blessing and teach me how to use what I have wisely."

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Meanwhile in Warsaw

buildings in Warsaw

As I wrote in my last post I am in Warsaw right now. It has been an awesome stay so far. Okay it has been wonderful and I do feel really blessed that I am able to be here and do the internship here.
Last week was more an oriantatin week of looking in which I want to go and what is possible. I ended up picking grade 5 and 11 Maths and grade 6 and 11 English, but I'm helping out in other grades and also in primary school (grade 3). I've even been able to teach my first 'real' leasson this past friday in grade 5 and have been able to help out in the other classes to and will actually help out in grade 7 in English talking about Canada what should be fun.
Apart from my internship my mom was with me the first week and we had the opportunity to go shopping in a really nice shopping mall called "Arcadia" - it's quite big, has a great food court, a big variety of shops and great window instalations. Also we had the opportunity to go to a ladies retreat from ICF Warsaw were I got to know some really amazing Ladies! Our speaker Karen was great as she was speaking about HOPE and it gave me many thoughts to ponder on and also tipps of how to get through pain, hurt or dissapointment (of which I am still batteling with). It was a great time of community and being able to enjoy some of polands beautiful nature.

two horses pulling our carriage

spring in Warsaw

After my mom left I just got busy with school and I don't even remember what else I did, days just seem to fly here, only 4 more weeks until I leave for home. So I have to try to get the most out of Warsaw and the people I got to know meanwhile. ICF also has lifegroups and one of them is on Thursdays called YAM which I have been able to go to twice so far. It's really cool to learn about the bible in this setting and just spending time with fellow believers. On Saturday we (some people from YAM) also had a little game night where we played "Castles of Burgundy" (a strategy game connected with luck) which was a lot of fun.
You can't believe how good it is for me to be in a community like this again, after leaving the international community from YWAM even though it is quite different here, but still a great experience. The other day I was able to go to the gardens on top of the university library here in Warsaw with Eszter from Hungary who I met through ICF, we had a really good time, and I am really thankful for the time we could spend together.

the view from the gardens

I'm excited for what is to come and what is awaiting me next, also how God will use all of my experiences in YWAM the good and the bad to glorify his name.

before a concert at the German embassy

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Mombasa-Germany-Home and more

In my last post I posted one of my adventures, my dance adventure in Mombasa, but I had many more really awesome experiences in Mombasa, of which I could write many more stories.
One for example is we had the opportunity to go to one of the big trash dumps in Mombasa. We went there multiple times and by the end of our time we could actually see a change in the people we encountered and I know we left something behind. And through us going there now other Christians have the courage to go there and go there regularly do build deeper relationships and deciple the new Christian believers. And now to one of the most craziest stories in my life so far...
The first time we went to this trash dump we split up into smaller groups with a translator to be able to talk to a couple of people and just try to get to know them a little. I was walking around with ine of them and after talking with some ladies I wanted to talk to a man who had a restaurant, but he sent me and the translator dirctly to his wife, who had given birth to a child sometime that past night. I was kind of surprised and didn't really know why he wanted me to meet his wife and new born child. Well it turned out that they wanted me to give there son a name. As you might understand I was quite overwhelmed by this honor. So I decided to guide the conversation in a different direction to "not have to" name the baby, because for me this was a huge responsibility. But after they kept on asking me to name the Baby I finally gave in - meanwhile myhead is going what name should I pick which had a deeper meaning. So after a while I decided to name him David after my dad and after David in the Bible, because he was the lowest in the family and didn't really have a great starting point in life but ended up to have a really important and crucial role for the future which is now our past. Additionally to that David from the bible is concidered a man "after God's own heart", and that was something I wished for this child and prayed over it. What was even more fascinationg for me was that the second name they gave him was Peter, so this little baby boys name is David Peter to huge names in the bible and for me a huge blessing! And I really hope that he will one day be a man who will make a differnce, and will be able to bring hope to many more people in Kenya.
Here are some pictures from my stay in Mombasa:

a picture from Baby David Peter
blossoms from a Frangipani tree on the YWAM compound
a boat by Pirates beach in Mombasa
sunrises in Mombasa

one of the last days in Mombasa

Well after our amazing time in Mombasa was over I had the opportunity to still meet some friend in Nairobi the day we flew out and back to Germany. They we're amazing! They treated me with amzing breakfast, a crazy and really adventureous Safari walk (we got to see lions - my favourite animals - lying around 3 meters away from us, only separated by a fence) and a great lunch + Java's later by the airport.

the 8 year old orphan cheetah brothers

The flight back to Germany was good, againd a big thanks to Emirates for their great service! My family awaited me at the airport which was really nice and I was really happy to see them again after 3 months. We swopped suitcases so I had warm clothes for the cold weather in Germany. From the airport we took the train to Nürnberg. There we went to the ICF which was so friendly to take us in for the last 2 weeks. It was so nice to have a really warm shower again and we had a great kitchen, one everyone would dream of having themself at home.
The last two weeks with YWAM were O.K. eventhough I was really, really happy when I finally took the train back home after graduation. The night of graduation it self was really nice and I had a great talk with two really awesome ladies!

The next day it went home, back to my family + 1 and it was cool to have bed to myself again etc. All in all it was a good time, where I can say and I hope that I will be able to say that I can truly see Gods hand in everything. Something I really had to learn was that even when nothing seems to go right, you feel left alone, you're disapointed and/or hurt there is a God who will always be there for me and I can trust him no matter what, and I have to let go and forgive and not hold fast to things that will only amage me in the end. God will help me through it and is faithfull in bringing people in my life that will help me get through challenges. (Thanks to everyone who has helped me through challenges and everyone who just listened-THANKS) A vers that keeps carying me trough challenges is Proverbs 3,5+6:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will mak your paths straight.

a german TukTuk

snowback home in the mountains during a walk with a new friend

After having time to realx a bit, meet up wikKth friends and go shopping in Austria with my mom, my sister and I went to Cologne to celebrate my birthday and Christmas together. We had a great Hotel with amazing breakfast and we could just hang out together which was really awesome! (Thanks for everything sis!)

Kölner Dom by night
on a bridge in Cologne 

On our way home I got to know two cool ladies, we had great conversations and I even was able to meet up with one of them again just 2 days ago in Paris. Which leads me to my next adventure: FRANCE - Paris
We as a family went to visit my sisters exchange family in France (near Paris) to finally meet them and just to get to knwo them. They were extremly hospitable and generous and we had a good time even though we didn't completly spoke the same languages :). I could pretty much see all the attractions there are in Paris, starting with the Eifel Tower, Sacre Coer, Mon Matre and L'arc de triumph to the Notre Dame, Verailles, the Louvre and Mona Lisa inside of it.
I can say I've seen a lot of Paris and if I am honest I don't quite understand the big hype around Paris, yes it has really famous architecture and art, but there are somany other cities in the worls that are much more beautiful and have sometimes even more to offer. Also Paris reminds me a lot of Rome and to me Rome has a bit more flair then Paris.
by the Pantheon
by the Louvre with one of the amazing ladies from the train

We arrived at home yesterday evening and now I am already in Warsaw, ready for my next adventure: an internship in the German school here to double check if I really want to become a teacher (in an international setting). So let's see what this adventure has instore for me and what will happen next. Up to date I have been to six different countries alone this year, and I wouldn't have expected that at all last year... I was in Kenya, Germany, Austria, France, Czech Republic (on my way to Warsaw) and am now in Poland. Crazy how things work out and how God puts things in place!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

January 28th - The DANCE-adventure starts (Mombasa)

January 28th started as a normal day. To be honest I didn't really wanted to go out to do ministry, but it ended up being one of the coolest days of outreach for me. It was the day I danced in front of people for the first time during outreach; even though I hadn't planned anything and didn't even bring music.
That day we had planned to go out to a few different high schools in the afternoon, and we had some time to prepare for them in the morning. The group I was in decided to go with Anne (one of our contacts for the high schools) to Likoni Boys High School. The  school was about a fifteen minute drive from the YWAM base here in  Mombasa, so we needed to take 'Tuk Tuks' (three-wheeled taxis in Kenya).
When we arrived at the school we saw a Coca Cola truck parked by the entrance of the school, and we wondered what could be going on. We the to the office with Anne to try and figure out what was happening. We ended up having to wait until all the Coca Cola craziness was finished before we could begin. While we were waiting we watched what was happening with the Coca Cola truck and the boys. It was very amusing the to watch how all of the boys went so crazy about Coke, and it made me think--am I, or are we, this crazy when it comes to Jesus? It's a good questions, and I thought I could use this question as the introduction to our time with the boys. Also, Coca Cola had arranged a dance battle for the boys on the stage they had; so I joked  with Anne about how it would be funny if I, as a Mzungu (white person), would go up there and dance. However we came to the conclusion that since I was a girl and it was an all boys school, that it would be better if I didn't dance.
But thanks to Anne and her introduction I ended up being 'forced' to dance in front of everyone. Her,  my group, and the boys were all encouraging me to dance. I said that I'd dance but only if a boy would dance as well, sort of like a dance battle. Then I got the idea of asking the whole team to dance as well, since they are the reason I was having to dance in  front of everyone. I asked for six volunteers from the students and told my team  that we would rotate between them and us, similar to one-on-one battles. In the end I asked Anne to dance with me, so that she could show of her moves. It was so much fun and it really caused there to be a more open atmosphere.
I spoke to the boys,  and after I finished off the introduction I told them that Jesus is so much better than any coke, or any drug, because he gives us life and lets us experience really adventures that are so much better  than any Coca Cola event at school.
This day started a break through in dancing for me during outreach. Before I just didn't feel comfortable dancing in front of people and was believing a lot of lies about myself and my dancing. A couple of days later the Revive outreach team from Herrnhut, who were also staying at the Base for a couple of weeks, decided to do 'Pure Heart' with us. Through this I felt how all the pressure and weight I had been feeling disappeared. I started to break out my shell and step out and into what God has prepared for me. The next day, Hannah--one of the leaders from the Revive team--challenged me to dance during worship. She is also a dancer, and could understand what I was going though with my dancing.
Since then I had the opportunity to dance my testimony dance, for the first time in front of a group of people. Looking back I can see how special that really was to me, because it was in front of children that are awaiting their court cases and are living in a rehab center. Even though I don't know what exactly they are going though, I hope that maybe through my dance they will gain hope and see how they can find rest in God no matter what situation they are going through.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Meanwhile back in Germany

- My time in Kenya has come to an end -

Since the last post, I've been to some more places, and have seen God work in amazing ways and am now feeling a lot more free to do what I love, I almost feel like I could just spread my wings and start flying wherever God will tell me to.

So we went to West  Pokot as a whole team and were moving from village to village pretty much everyday. That meant we had to build up our tents the one day, put them down and back up again the next day, and for me that was quite exhausting, additionally it was quite hot, and barely any shade, but it was bearable and we all made it through the time good. We were able to show the "Jesus" movie and "Passion of the Christ" where a bunch of tribal people came seemingly out of nowhere. It was a really nice  picture to see all of them wrapped in their blankets and later on seeing the children sleeping on the ground also wrapped in blanket by their mothers.
Also the stars were really impressing, once you stood on a field and were looking up, straight into the sky you could see many and many stars, and the longer you looked the more you could see. At the end of our time, we got a goat as a present from one of the chiefs of the area. This goat "Frank" caused some vegetarians to worry because we needed to drive about 1.5 hours to our next destination, and our two missionary friends that were our drivers weren't willing to put the goat into the cars (what I can understand). We had to strap him down on the roof of the Land Cruiser, do it the Kenyan way. In the end everything worked out and the next day one other person from our team decided to be a vegetarian after we had killed "Frank" and two other goats for a feast dinner with our new friends.

After our experience in West Pokot we split up as a team, my group went to a Baby Center to help them wherever we could. When we first arrived, we were very positively surprised! And I mean we jumped and shouted for joy in the guest house once we were alone. It was almost like a dream, we had a full working kitchen with microwave, oven etc. which we could all use and we had our own rooms, and we could have hot showers, and I mean really hot. Also the missionary family was really nice. They were good hosts, and also all the workers at the Baby Center were awesome, some I want to introduce are: Manu, the deputy manager, Mwangi the main care taker and Lynette the lady who was in charge of our guest house. She blessed many many times! She cooked for us when we were still working, she made the best Chapati I have ever eaten, and she was a huge blessing to me and our team(s). Maybe you are asking yourself, what do you do at a Baby Center and what is the Baby Center for. We did a lot of practical work, like painting many and many walls in vanilla color and it may sound really boring because painting walls can be very monotonous but actually it was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed it a lot and we had really good talks.
But we also had the chance to hang out with some of the babies from the Baby Center once in a while. And it was crazy to see these beautiful children here in the Baby Center, knowing someone had abandoned them somewhere in the area of Nakuru with the hope of either killing the child or just not wanting to take care of the child. And this was a very sad thought for me but a huge testimony of how God did a miracle in their lives, so they can live and will hopefully eventually be adopted into good (Christian) families (which is the vision of the Baby Center).

After having to say our goodbyes to the Baby Center and our friends back in Soysambu after coming back for one or two nights we had to leave for Mombasa.

We left in two Matatus, to get to our bus stop where we caught our bus to Mombasa, it was a really nice lit with black light in side, equipped with electricity plugs and fake leather seats, which were really comfortable!
The ride it self was adventurous but I could sleep even though it wasn't the best road. Once we arrived in Mombasa, we were picked up by George one of the YWAM Mombasa Base staff. We took Tuktuks to the ferry, and TukTuks to the base from the ferry. WE needed to take a ferry because Mombasa is divided into the main part of town the island and mainland where most people live, and where the base is located.
We were welcomed very warmly by the Base staff and we had a really great time with the until the last day! They were a huge blessing to us and I hope we were a blessing too. We had our little bedroom cottage and were cooked for every meal and were taken care of very well.

For me Mombasa was the best past of outreach and also the part where I grew the most. And I'm going to try to keep it short even though I could probably write a thousand pages about my time there.
but I will write more about my time in Mombasa and what i am doing now in the next blog post.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Here are some impressions from Soysambu:

on our way to Soysambu

 in Soysambu

on one of the game drives, close to the sleeping warrior

 prayer time

 Game drive

 some of the many zebras

Monday, January 04, 2016

My first Christmas in Kenya and a couple of other adventures

It's already been over 6 weeks since we've arrived in Kenya. A lot has happened and we're in the fourth location in Kenya.
So after being in Ringa and Oyugis for 3 weeks we moved to Mt Moriah Childrens Home close to Nyahururu (highest town of Kenya) and are now on Soysambu conservancy. So that is where I am now. But everything in between has been quite adventurous. And it has had it's ups and downs.
So in Ringa/Oyugis we finished off with an open air crusade in Ringa. It went from Wednesday evening to Satursday evening (we only did about 3h per day). It would be worship first, then sermon and or testimonies and then worship again, sometimes also inbetween. We had a couple of people that came everyday, and always a lot of little children watching. It was cool but a very different experience from what I am used to. The last day we had a little goodbye party where we said thank you to everyone who helped us and came close to us as a team.
Saturday morning was the day we took off to Nyahururu to go to Mt Moriah Childrens Home.
We took a public Bus there - it was quite an experience but it still was cool and - I enjoyed it a lot. And were then picked up by Daniel and Kenia (the couple in charge of the Home) in Nakuru. We must have been a crazy picture - all these white people + asians + one black person with their huge backpacks waiting at the Mall in Nakuru.
After Daniel and Kenia came to pick us up we drove about 1.5h to their place Mt Moriah Childrens Home. When we arrived there I felt a very deep peace about that place and only later realized why I probably had had such a hard time back in Ringa and Oyigus.
The first Sunday we were there the Pastor wasn't able to come - because he had hurt his arm the day before. So Samuel and I ended up preaching that Sunday - it was the first time for both of us .Margret, the pastors wife, interpreted for us and it was amazing to listen to her, you could just see and feel how it touched her and how she was and is filled with the Holy Spirirt. The next weekend we split up in two groups - girls and boys because Kenia was  having her womens meeting and obviously only women were allowed (the boys went into town for Stefans birthday). This day was great I enjoyed it a lot and I will keep it in good memories.
Kenia organized someone to paint all the ladies toenails so all of us got our nails painted and Kenia shared something great about being thankful. Also Lisa and I washed all the ladies feet before they got their toenails done, and that was a great expierience! After all of this I had the opportunity to talk to Margret and I was able to get to know her a little bit better. This woman is amazing and I loved speaking to her and she was a real encouragement to me!
In the evening we played some games to celebrate Stefans birthday as a team. For one game we had to form two groups and then each group had a bag filled with something to eat and the team who finished the fastest would win. The winners got chocolate and a free massage from the team that had lost (my team). After that we had a little cake and soon went to bed.
The next day we went to a waterfall in the close by forest. On the way there Daniel told a joke that was more a story then a joke. The scenery was beautiful but I didn't really feel like I was in Kenya. It could have been somewhere in Europe or North Amarerica as well. The waterfall in the end was quite great and it the&joke& couldn't take away from it either. Some of us also went into the water and &swam& - after getting used to the cold water I to dared to go in the water. After crossing the river/creek I went toward the &pool& on the bottom of the waterfall. At first I tried going down on the sides of the clif, but I couldn't go down completly but Iwent on the rock that was stuck inbetween the to cliffs that were sourounding the creek, so I was able to stand &on top& of the waterfall. That was kinda cool. After climbing up the otherside again and going around again I got to the bottom of the waterfall and joined the others in the water. It was a nice day and will definitly stay in my memories.
At Daniel and Kenias place we did a lot of practical work. We split into little groups to do different things. Some of us cut down a bunch of trees, others were helping with emptying a container of a missionary couple that moved back to the states and the husband then suddenly pased away, some of us also painted a tree in the comunity/church area, others were creating a &thank you wall& and in between all of that we had fellowships, backed bred and could be a blessing to them. We also went into the womens and mens prison, ran a two day VBS (of which I missed one day - but that's another story - I'll come back to it later on) and we helped with the sundayschool at Mt Moriahs church.
For Christmas, Katrin and Sarah came up with a Christmas play that we played in church the sunday before Christmas. We had a bunch of fun times while practicing for sunday on sunday itself we tried to incooperate the children from the sundayschool - which worked for the most part. When we then finally presented the play to the church it was great and the church enjoyed it. For Christmas itself we all prepared one dish from our home countries. So on the 24th we started to prepare the meals for our internaional dinner on the 25th. I could prepare my dish, a polish desert because of how we always celebrate Christmas at home. In the eveing we had a BBQ, some of us went on short motorbike rides and we all then played a game called &White Elefant& where we had a little gift exchange. Later on we watched a movie and just enjoyed ourselves. On the 25th I was able to talk to my family and to a couple of friends. In the evening we had our dinner and we wrote little encouragements for each other also we got a little letter from frinds from DTS and that really touched me.
A  couple of days later we already had our last full day at Mt Moriah. It happened to be Daniels birthday, so we as a group decided that we wanted to give him and Kenia some time alone. So Sarah, Elliot and some others prepared a big lunch and created a little treasure hunt. It was a lot  of fun to watch them (Kenia and Daniel) searching for the hints. All in all our time there was great and I enjoyed it a lot! Daniel and Kenia were a huge blessig to me and I was able to have some really good talks with them. On top of this amazing couple we had amazing housing - we each had a bed, real  toiletts and were able to havea warm shower and wash our cloths in a loundry machine. Also Kenia and Daniels house was a crazy blessing! They have a great kitchen, living/TV room and couches.
But always after some time there isa time where you have to say &See you later&. So we took off for Soysambu the day after Daniels birthday. On the way there some of us stopped in Nakuru. And I was in that group because I needed to get my bank card because it was taken in by an ATM machine and I neded to get it back to be able to get out money again. And this is where the crazy part starts...So as I wrote earlier I missed one day of the VBS. I missed it because I went to Nakuru with Katrin so I could help her with translationin case she needed help at the doctors. And to get there takes around 1.5 hours from where we were staying so it pretty much took up the whole day to go to the doctors and get everything we needed to buy. So after the first doctor we (Kenia, Daniel, Katrin and I) all went out for lunch and then splitted to go to the second doctor and then get everything we needed. Kenia and I stayed in Nakumatt to do all the shopping, shopped for everything and then just wanted to sit and drink something small. And this place was close to the ATM so I figured I'd try to pull out some money (for the second time because the first time I forgot one zero)...and this is where the bank story begins, so at first the ATM told me I was to slow and asked me if I needed more time so I pressed &YES&, then pressed on the amount of money I needed. But then I only got a receipt which said &withdrawl unsuccessful& and didn't get my bank card back. We tried to reach someone from the bank, but they all seemed to not understand what we wanted and it just didn't work out. And that is why I was in Nakuru again on the way to Soysambu. So once in Nakuru, Douglas and I start to go to the Bank - and to be honest that was pretty hard to find, we needed to ask 3 different security guards and some locals to be able to find the bank. At the bank, we needed to wait again and after the lady at the customors help desk made a few phone calls she send us to G4S (security in charge of the ATM) close to the Mall. So Douglas and I started to walk there when we arrived there 1.5 hours had already passed, it was hot and I was all finished because I just didn't want to be send around anymore. So by the G4S they told us it would take another 20 minutes untill the guy comes - we're in Africa so probably longer - aventually Douglas and I decide to ask if we could go to the mall and just wait there so we could at least grab something to eat. Just as we arive at the mall the rest of the team arrives, so all of them go to eat and I decided that I'd wait untill the guys from G4S come. after waiting and waiting they finally come. I ask for the guy whom they told us to ask for at the office - and he tells me to wait, they're going to check in the ATM. Well while they're checking I notice that they're not really fining anything. So I decide to check my wallet for the receipt on which stood &withdrawl unsuccessful&. At this point they had told me that they would go back to the bank to ask for permission to give me my card back, or I would have to go to the bank myself - so I was quite unhappy and I knew that we still had to drive quite a bit to Soysambu. So when I look in my wallet I suddenly find my bank card in the plastic - which was empty the last time I had it in my hand - in my wallet. So after explaining everything to the security people and them probably thinking I'm completly crazy I went up to a different bank to finally withdraw some money and then get some food. I think this is the most crazy expierience I have had with God so far and I can testify he still is a mirical working God.
So we all finally arrived in Soysambu. Soysambu is a conservation owned by Lord Delamere and his family, it is around 48.5 acres big and there are around 13 small villages, and 3 of the big five ad a couple of other animals. So we decided to go on a game ride the same day. It was really nice and definitly not the last time for us to drive in the bush.
Since we arrived here we did another 2 short VBS - which was more just playing with children not really telling them to much about God, we did a bunch of practical work again and we helped with the missionary meeting on the first of January. New years was nice and laid back, we sat around a fire, ate some hot dogs and did some worship. We had some fire crackers, and just chilled for the most part. In the first couple of days here I was able to talk to the twin daugthers of the missionaries here. Both of them are really amazing and I enjoyed it a lot to talk to them. At the missionary meeting we were able to meet a lot of cool missionaries and we were able to be a blessing to them. And this is where I would ask you to pray for us as a team. Because our plans to go into the tribes have droped we now have all of January to fill with ministry. At the missionary fellowship we were able to make some new contacts and were asked to go to some places to be a blessing. It would be  great if you could pray for us that our leaders make wise decisions on what to do when especially that God will speak to them clearly on what to do.
By now we were already able to go into some villages to give out medicine against worms, were able to celebrate the baptism of Samuel and we were able to pray for this place and what they are planning to do here. We are going to go to the West qa<Pokot tribe (I have no idea how you write the tribe correctly) on the sixth for a total of 6 days with travelling there and back to do some ministry. This is in the middle of no qwhere in a very dry area. It would be great when you could pray for safe travels there and back and that we can be a blessing and that we will bring everything we need there.
Also this past week I have been batteling a pretty strong cough which at times is also quite painful. It could be because of alergies but also something else, it would be great when you would pray for complete restoration. Also I have decided to not go on Wifi until the end of jenuary so I can use my whole time here to focous on God and what he want to tell me.
Here are two links so you can still see what we are doing here and also see the videos from past weeks. The first one is from Kobie, she has been posting one vidoe for each week since we have been here. Follow this link to see the videos: Outreach Videos von Kobie or

And Kimberly and Lisa have been writing newsletters which they post here: our team blog in which two of the team write an update almost every week